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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

More Great Christian Quotes

"Are there not millions of us who would rather go sleeping to hell than sweating to heaven?"
- Thomas Watson.

"For unless your hearts are free from worldly hopes and worldly fears, you never will speak boldly, as you ought to speak. The good old Puritans, I believe, never preached better than when in danger of being taken to prison as soon as they had finished their sermon. And however the church may be at peace now, yet I am persuaded, unless you go forth with the same temper, you will never preach with the same demonstration of the Spirit and of power. Study, therefore, my brethren,-I beseech you by the mercies of God in Christ Jesus,-study your hearts as well as books; ask yourselves again and again whether you would preach for Christ, if you were sure to lay down your lives for so doing?"
- George Whitefield.

"What will it cost me for God to break my heart?" - "It will cost you absolutely everything."
- Gerhard DuToit

"How we have prayed for a Revival - we did not care whether it was old-fashioned or not - what we asked for was that it should be such that would cleanse and revive His children and set them on fire to win others."
- Mary Warburton Booth

"The Word of God represents all the possibilities of God as at the disposal of true prayer."
- A. T. Pierson

"Prayer - secret, fervent, believing prayer - lies at the root of all personal godliness."
- William Carey

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