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Thursday, May 19, 2011

'Sing Songs of Joy' : New Hymn for Today

Sing Songs of Joy  LM
TUNE: Waltham (Calkin)
Sing songs of joy, sing songs of praise,
To God your joyful anthems raise;
We praise the Son who’s heaven’s choice,
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice.
One day we’ll gather round the throne,
When Jesus takes us for His own;
And there, upon that hallowed ground,
We’ll worship Christ, the King God crowned.
Most holy child, most gracious King,
Our songs of love and joy we’ll sing;
And at the mention of Your name
Your glorious majesty acclaim.
Around Your throne, both day and night,
We’ll marvel at the holy sight;
We’ll sing our songs of joy and praise,
And to You joyful anthems raise.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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