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Friday, May 20, 2011

'We Humbly Bow' : New Hymn for Today

We Humbly Bow   9999 & Refrain
TUNE: Humbly
Lord we humbly bow in awe of You,
And we kneel in joy before Your throne;
We can hear the choirs of angels sing,
As creation worships You alone.
So with joy we will sing,
We will praise Your name,
And we will bow low on bended knee;
We will sing songs of praise,
We will worship You,
We will praise You for setting us free!
We’ll proclaim You Saviour, Lord and King,
We will worship You as hands we raise;
Give You glory on the mountain top,
Singing songs of everlasting praise.
So with joy we will sing,
We will praise Your name,
And we will bow low on bended knee;
We will sing songs of praise,
We will worship You,
We will praise You for setting us free!
Till we lay our worship at Your feet,
And in heav’n our songs of joy we sing,
We will serve You here on earth below,
And proclaim You our Saviour and King!
So with joy we will sing,
We will praise Your name,
And we will bow low on bended knee;
We will sing songs of praise,
We will worship You,
We will praise You for setting us free!
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is lovely!!!!