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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Great Christian Quote on Prayer

"Many who do come into the secret place, and who are God's children, enter it and leave it just as they entered, without ever so much as realizing the presence of God. And there are some believers who, even when they do obtain a blessing, and get a little quickening of soul, leave the secret place without seeking more. They go to their chamber, and there get into the secret place, but then, as soon as they have got near to Him, they think they have been peculiarly blessed, and leave their chamber, and go back into the world. Oh, how is it that the Lord's own people have so little perseverance? How is it that when they do enter into their place of prayer to be alone, they are so easily persuaded to be turned away empty; instead of    wrestling with God to pour out His Spirit, they retire from the secret place without the answer, and submit to it as being God's will."
 - William C. Burns

On Dads, Transport and Haircuts.

Father and Son Discuss a Haircut
A young boy had just got his provisional driving licence and was anxious to start learning to drive. Approaching his father, he asked if they could discuss his use of the family car.
His father took him into his study and said, "I'll make a deal with you. You bring your grades up, study the Bible a little, get your hair cut, and then we'll talk about it."
After about a month, the boy came back and again asked his father if they could discuss his use of the car. They went once more into the father's study where the father said, "Son, I've been very proud of you. You have brought your grades up, you've studied the Bible diligently, but you didn't get your hair cut."
The young man replied, "You know, Dad, I've been thinking about that. Samson had long hair, Moses had long hair, Noah had long hair, and even Jesus had long hair."
"Yes," his father said, "and everywhere they went, they walked." 

A new 'Hymn for Today' : 'Praising God'

Praising God   SM
 TUNE: Advent (Goss)
We’ll praise God the Father,
And we’ll praise God the Son,
We’ll praise God the Holy Spirit,
Praise Him, the Three-in-One!
Lift your arms and praise Him,
Raise up your hands on high;
Praise and worship God the Father,
Praise Him and glorify!
We’ll praise God the Father,
And we’ll praise God the Son,
We’ll praise God the Holy Spirit,
Praise Him, the Three-in-One!
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Funny Church Notice Boards

Oh, the power of prayer!

Friday, June 22, 2012

New 'Hymn for Today' : 'We Humnly Bow'

We Humbly Bow   9999 & Refrain
TUNE: Humbly
Lord we humbly bow in awe of You,
And we kneel in joy before Your throne;
We can hear the choirs of angels sing,
As creation worships You alone.
    So with joy we will sing,
    We will praise Your name,
    And we will bow low on bended knee;
    We will sing songs of praise,
    We will worship You,
    We will praise You for setting us free!

We’ll proclaim You Saviour, Lord and King,
We will worship You as hands we raise;
Give You glory on the mountain top,
Singing songs of everlasting praise.
    So with joy we will sing,
    We will praise Your name,
    And we will bow low on bended knee;
    We will sing songs of praise,
    We will worship You,
    We will praise You for setting us free!

Till we lay our worship at Your feet,
And in heav’n our songs of joy we sing,
We will serve You here on earth below,
And proclaim You our Saviour and King! 
    So with joy we will sing,
    We will praise Your name,
    And we will bow low on bended knee;
    We will sing songs of praise,
    We will worship You,
    We will praise You for setting us free!
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Our Father, who art in heaven ...

I cannot pray OUR, if my faith has no room for others and their needs
I cannot pray FATHER, if I do not demonstrate this relationship to God in my daily living.
I cannot pray WHO ART IN HEAVEN, if all my interests and pursuits are in earthly things.
I cannot pray HALLOWED BE THY NAMEif I am not striving, with God’s help, to be holy.
I cannot pray THY WILL BE DONEif I am unwilling to accept God’s rule in my life.
I cannot pray ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVENunless I am truly ready to give myself to          God’s service here and now.
I cannot pray GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREADwithout expending honest effort for it,       or if I would withhold from my neighbour the bread that I receive.
I cannot pray FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US, if I continue to harbour a grudge against anyone.
I cannot pray LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION, if I deliberately choose to remain in a situation where I am likely to be tempted.
I cannot pray DELIVER US FROM EVIL, if I am not prepared to fight evil with my life and my prayer.
I cannot pray THINE IS THE KINGDOM, if I am unwilling to obey the KING
I cannot pray THINE IS THE POWER AND THE GLORYif I am seeking power for myself and my own glory first.
I cannot pray FOREVER AND EVER, if I am too anxious about each days affairs.
I cannot pray AMEN, unless I can say cost what it may, this is my prayer

Funny Church Notice Boards - 5

Doves of Peace

    This beautiful origami sculpture/display, made up of 512 doves, represents Pentecost, and is in All Saints Church at Ripley, North Yorkshire, which I visited recently. It was made by a group of church members.
    It's quite breathtaking in its simplicity, and the message is one of hope and peace.

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Sign of our Times!

There's nothing like telling it just as it is!

A new 'Hymn for Today' : 'Marching to Zion'

Marching to Zion  7777 D
We are marching to Zion
In the footsteps of our Lord;
Carrying Truth’s banner high,
And the power of God’s Word.
We are marching to Zion,
We are marching to Zion,
We are marching to Zion,
In the footsteps of our Lord!
We are marching to Zion,
We are marching to Zion,
We are marching to Zion,
In the footsteps of our Lord!
We’re sustained by our Saviour
Through the mighty power of prayer;
We are marching with Jesus,
Very soon we will be there!
We are marching to Zion ...
The helmet of Salvation
Helps us overcome the world;
We are marching to Zion,
And Christ’s banner is unfurled!
We are marching to Zion ...
We’re marching ever onward,
And now Zion is in sight,
The breastplate of righteousness
Will protect us through the night.
We are marching to Zion ...
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Thoughts on the redefinition of Marriage

The Government should remember that marriage, which is defined as the union of one man and one woman, was instituted by Almighty God and confirmed by the Lord Jesus Christ and no earthly government has the power to change it.
Prime Minister, David Cameron, is determined to force through the redefinition of marriage to include same-sex couples, despite having no mandate from the electorate and a massive chunk of the UK's citizens stating that they do not support it. 
The strange thing is, although Cameron is almost certainly trying to toady up to the 'pink vote' there are many homosexuals and lesbians who are disinterested in the whole matter.
It seems that Cameron is doing what Cameron does best --- ingratiating himself with the PC lobby whilst alienating himself from the real world and the electorate. He will discover the folly of his actions at the next Ballot Box opportunity, and have time in the near future to reflect on the mistakes which lost him the Premiership.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mary Had A Little Lamb

Joanne Lowe's Meditations: 'Just As We Are'

 “And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.  Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 18:2-4 (King James Version)
     Sometimes we try to impress our neighbors and our friends with our big homes, our expensive cars and our job titles but these things don’t impress God.  What touches the heart of God is the condition of our heart.  We can’t buy our salvation.  It is only through the redeeming blood of Jesus that we are saved.
     We are not worthy to enter into the presence of God but through the blood of Jesus we can come boldly into His presence.  Our job titles don’t impress God.  It doesn’t matter if we are pastors, missionaries, writers, choir directors, Sunday school teachers or evangelists.  To Him, we are just His little children.
     Just as He wants us to come to Him as little children when we accept Jesus as our personal Saviour, so He wants us to come to Him as little children going to their parents.  It is important to tell God that we love Him and need Him.  We want Him to tell us that He loves us.  We should also tell Him that we love Him.
     Heavenly Father, we do love You.  We praise You and thank You for being a compassionate, loving, forgiving and merciful Father.  Help us to come to You as little children instead of trying to impress You.  We are helpless without You, dear Father.  We need You every minute of every day.  Amen. 
Joanne Lowe
June 13, 2012

New 'Hymn for Today' : 'Walking in the Power'

Today's 'Hymn for Today' is great for a Full Gospel choir to sing, but it's also great to sing on your own or in your congregation. Why not try it out and see for yourself.  The music was composed by my songwriting partner, Greg Scheer.

Walking in the Power
TUNE: Balfour
I’m walking in the power of Jesus,
The power of the Son of God.
I’m walking in the power of Jesus,
The power of the Son of God.
Walking in the power,
Ev’ry minute, ev’ry hour,
Walking in the power of God!

I’m walking in the power of the Spirit,
The power of the Spirit of God.
I’m walking in the power of the Spirit,
The power of the Spirit of God.
Walking in the power,
Ev’ry minute, ev’ry hour,
Walking in the power of God!

I’m walking in the power of the Father, 
The power of almighty God.
I’m walking in the power of the Father, 
The power of almighty God.
Walking in the power,
Ev’ry minute, ev’ry hour,
Walking in the power of God!
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Stand against the Redefinition of Marriage

There are just three days left to tell the Government that you oppose the redefinition of marriage. At midnight on Thursday (June 14) the public consultation on rewriting the meaning of marriage will close.
Don’t let time run out. Sending a response only takes 60 seconds using our fast and easy web form. Your response could save marriage for generations to come.
What will marriage mean when your children or grandchildren walk down the aisle? Will it mean what it means today, or will it mean something different?
Yours sincerely,
Colin Hart
Colin Hart
Campaign Director
Coalition for Marriage

'Hymn for Today' : 'Spirit Divine'

I have chosen 'Spirit Divine' as my 'Hymn for Today.'  The beautiful music was composed by Richard Williams, and the song was recorded by Cheshire-based choral singers, Cantoris and is available on their album  'There is Joy' which you can find by following this link .

Monday, June 11, 2012

Jim Whitman sings 'Blue Yodel Country Classics'

     I'm a real sucker for yodelling songs, Slim Whitman being my greatest musical hero since I was just fourteen years old. Jim Whitman comes a close second! I love his work! 
     Check him out on Youtube, find the songs you enjoy and then buy his CDs to listen to at home and enjoy over and again.

A new 'Hymn for Today' : 'Let Us Praise the Lord!'

Let Us Praise the Lord! 87 87
TUNE: Sussex

Hallelujah! Let us praise Him!
Singing loud our hymns of praise,
Hallelujah! Praising Jesus,
Hands and voices to Him raise!
He has come to bring salvation
To the needy and the lost;
He has come to give the water
That brings life yet has no cost.
He brings light into the darkness,
Shining down from heav’n above;
He brings freedom to the sinner,
Comes proclaiming ‘God is love!’
Hallelujah! Let us praise Him!
Serving Him in every task.
Hallelujah! Praising Jesus!
Doing all that He may ask.
© 2010 Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Lawsuit filed against NYPD

Suit against NYPD asks that surveillance of Muslims based on faith be declared unconstitutional
     Islamic jihadists murder and terrorize other people based on their faith, but it is not permissible for Infidel authorities to take that into account. By actions like this one, Islamic supremacists in the U.S. are determined to end all effective resistance to their jihad.
     More on this story. "Suit against NYPD asks that surveillance of Muslims based on faith be declared unconstitutional," by James Queally for The Star-Ledger, June 6 (thanks to Benedict):

NEWARK — The New York Police Department's years-long
surveillance of Muslim businesses and mosques throughout the
Northeast denigrated the Islamic faith and violated the
constitutional rights of countless Muslim-Americans, according
to a federal lawsuit filed in Newark today.

The suit, which is the first legal challenge of the NYPD's spy operations,

could mark the beginning of a historical movement, said Farhana
Khera, executive director of Muslim Advocates, the civil rights group
filing the suit on behalf of several New Jersey residents.

"This lawsuit is perhaps the most important legal challenge brought to

date by American Muslims," Khera said.

The eight plaintiffs are all Muslims from New Jersey and include a

U.S. Army reservist, a Newark business owner who served in Vietnam
and the imams of several mosques who were targeted by the NYPD
Surveillance and Demographics unit.

The suit is calling for a "declaratory judgment" which labels specific

surveillance of Muslims based on faith unconstitutional, said Glenn
Katon, the legal director for Muslim Advocates.

Katon is also seeking a court order prohibiting the NYPD from future

surveillance of Muslims based on faith and the destruction of all records
compiled by the NYPD during its spy operations.

"When the NYPD says all Muslims are suspects we have a clear case

of government denigrating religion," Katon said.

The OIC is trying to pressure Western countries to criminalize "denigration of religion."

Katon said that while the lawsuit is focused on New Jersey residents,
further legal action could involve New York residents as well.

Muslim Advocates considered including Newark police in the lawsuit,

but ultimately there were too many conflicting reports about the extent
of their involvement in NYPD operations in New Jersey.

All eight plaintiffs were New Jersey residents that were in one way or

another watched during NYPD's operations including at least two
members of Rutgers' Muslim Student Association.

In the month since the Associated Press released a 50-page document

detailing the NYPD's actions in Newark, several Muslim leaders in New
Jersey have spoken out on the ways the report has had a "chilling effect"
on the Muslim community.

"This is a blanket victimization of a suspect class," said specialist Farhaj

Hassan, a U.S. Army reservist and one of the plaintiffs. "I think this is
what the pilgrims crossed the ocean to avoid."

The suit comes two weeks after State Attorney Jeffrey Chiesa announced

the completion of a three-month review into the NYPD's actions in New
Jersey. His office found New York investigators did nothing wrong
or criminal, leaving many Muslim leaders in New Jersey to feel like the
lawsuit was a last resort to vindicate themselves.

"They don't have the right to spy and do surveillance on innocent people,

on good citizens," said Newark Imam Abdul Kareem Muhammad.

The NYPD could not be reached for comment immediately, but on Tuesday

NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Public Information Paul Browne said,
"I refer you to the New Jersey AG’s report and to the fact that NYPD
activities in New Jersey were lawful, appropriate and in keeping with
efforts there, in New York, and around the world to prevent terrorists from
returning here to kill more New Yorkers."
