Once we have accepted Jesus into our hearts, coming to know Him rather than knowing ABOUT Him, then it's not time to sit back and count how lucky we are for the gift. Of course the gift of Salvation is a priceless gift, but once having received it then we must do everything that we can to share it with those who have yet to receive it.
I guess that knocks all thoughts of 'retirement' firmly on the head, at least as far as ministry is concerned! Thank the Lord for that!
Of course, those who know me will know that I love the sea and boats, and so many of my photographs reflect just that. Here are just a couple!
We never got chance to visit the Swalloow Falls so I found this picture for you to see what it's like.
So, how do you get this wonderful gift?
That's easy!
First of all you have to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died on the Cross at Calvary to pay the price of sin for the whole of mankind. Only Jesus, who was without sin Himself, was good enough to pay the price that God demanded.
Secondly, you must repent of all the sin in your own life. This means all sin! Only man tries to differentiate between 'big' sin and 'little' sin!
Thirdly, you must confess Jesus as your Saviour and acknowledge Him as the Lord of your life. This means that, recognising that He is responsible for your salvation, you die to yourself and live to Him. In plain language: You must let Jesus control your life!
Oh yes, about my birthday! According to my birth certificate I shall be 65, and by the way that I feel, that has to be 65 years YOUNG! The photo above shows how young I look. OK! OK! It's not exactly an 'up-to-date' photo, but so what!!! At least it is (or rather was) me! There's less hair on top (much less!), and more on the face. There's probably a few lines that my eyesight hides from me. BUT, there's still the same sense of humour, still the same love for the Lord, still the same commitment to God. If anything has changed it's only that these things have increased over the years, and that has to be a good thing!
Praise the Lord for the richness of my life in Him!
Some of the best evidence for the existence of God comes, however, when we study the claims, character and actions of Jesus.
If you are faced with the assertion that Jesus was no more than a great man then your response should be to comment that you find it an interesting point, and would be interested to hear the speaker prove from all of the recorded evidence that Jesus was only a man. When you consider that his disciples were staunchly monotheistic then there must have been overwhelming evidence for the deity of Christ. The facts of history show that Jesus is in a class of His own, and is far more than just a great man.
So was Jesus a liar? People lie for profit. When the lie is unprofitable or when death threatens, then they confess. Jesus confessed nothing. People also lie for selfish reasons, yet every aspect of Christ's personality shows that he was selfless.
So what about lunacy? We sometimes hear of schizophrenics claiming to be Jesus. Schizophrenia is a symptom of a very disturbed personality. In every way Jesus displays balance, humility, poise and selflessness, not the marks of mental illness or megalomania. He came to serve and to give His life.
The only logical conclusion once the facts have been studied is that Jesus was exactly who He said He was. That He was Lord is the only conclusion that fits the facts.
If Jesus Christ is God, then nothing is more important than your relationship to Him. He is Lord.