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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Oh Dear!!!

What a way to return to my Blog! I entered a new URL for Joanne's site in the 'Sites I Like' section. All well and good. The new information posted okay. I then meant to delete her old contact detail and then --- TRAGEDY --- I deleted the entire section! Hopefully, having posted a question on the 'Help' page, I will find out how to restore it. As soon as you see (or if you see) the list of 'Sites I Like' return, then you know that I've righted my wrong!

Like I said,
What a way to return to my Blog!
Now that the panic has gone from me this afternoon, and I've calmed down, I've fixed the problem!

1 comment:

Ron Southern said...

But you didn't go back to where you panicked on Blogger Help Group and correct that, did you?