I recently reached the age of 65, even though I don't feel anything like that age. In fact, I'm convinced that there must be some sort of mistake on my birth certificate. If there is anything written about me in the Press from now on, I stand in danger of being referred to as a 'Senior Citizen' or --- even worse --- an 'Old-Age Pensioner'! Anyone who refers to me thus will only be proving that they don't know me. Not only am I not claiming any pensions for another few years, but I have eons before I even consider the 'R' word.
As a Christian I firmly believe in the Ministry of all believers, quoting Matthew 28: 19-20 in support: Jesus says: "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
That means that every Christian is tasked with the ministry of sharing the Gospel message, and I do mean every Christian, not only those who have been ordained into pastoral ministry to oversee a church.
Back to the 'R' word then. Certainly I believe that I will one day retire, but I trust that the day is a long, long way off. I see retirement as an option under one of two sets of circumstances. Either I will be called home to Glory because God considers that the ministry that He has entrusted to me is finished, OR I will retire earlier at anytime if I can be convinced that there are no more sinners in the world to share the Gospel with and that God has no further work that He wants me to do. Apart from that I have no intention of retiring at all!
Looking back over the years since I became committed to serving Christ, I can recall many occasions when I have let the Lord down, even though I have tried always to do the right thing, yet I cannot find one occasion when He has let me down. He has always been there. He's never forsaken me --- never given up on me --- never cast me to one side. From the very beginning I have been overawed by all that Jesus has done for me. He died on the cross, suffering unimaginable pain in order that I might one day be able to claim the gift of Salvation. When I ran away, He was always there to welcome me back with the outstretched arms of forgiveness. When things went right He always made sure that I understood that it was by the grace of God and not by my own solitary achievement. Walking with Jesus means that your whole journey is a shared journey of companionship. When ever I stumbled He has been there to catch me and steady me. If ever I felt weary He was there to carry me until my strength returned. Jesus has done all this for me, so how could I even think of doing anything less for Him?
The wonderful thing is that I am not the sole beneficiary of His grace and love, for all that He has done for me He has done for everyone. Salvation is FREE. It cannot be purchased by anything that we might offer in terms of wealth or work. All that is asked of us is that we believe, repent, and accept.
- Believe that Jesus is exactly who He said He was, the only Son of the Living God.
- Repent of our sins, recognising that we were born into sin as a result of the Fall of Adam.
- Accept all that He did by dying on the cross for the forgiveness of sins.
Once we have accepted Jesus into our hearts, coming to know Him rather than knowing ABOUT Him, then it's not time to sit back and count how lucky we are for the gift. Of course the gift of Salvation is a priceless gift, but once having received it then we must do everything that we can to share it with those who have yet to receive it.
I guess that knocks all thoughts of 'retirement' firmly on the head, at least as far as ministry is concerned! Thank the Lord for that!
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