Even though there is little in the news media about Zimbabwe, please keep the people of that beleaguered nation in your prayers. Despite all of the tyrant Mugabe's best efforts to destroy the people's spirit they are an increasingly strong people of faith. There are many miracles taking place every day when it comes to them getting enough food to eat, and they constantly praise God for all of His goodness towards them.
If they, in all their poverty, and despite the constant and horrific treatment meted out to them by Mugabe and his thugs, can pray, praise and grow in faith, then how much more can we?
Please help to ensure that these people are not forgotten by praying for them every day in your private prayer time and by drawing attention to their needs through your churches. One of the ways that God supplies their needs is by drawing our attention to them and through our prayers for their relief.
One place you can find out about the plight of these people and also some of the ways that work is going on to help alleviate that plight, is by visiting the Barnabus Fund website.
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