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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Walking With Jesus

I never understand those people who think that being a Christian is boring! I first gave my life to Christ in September 1969, and have had an exciting journey since then. I don't mean that it's always been an easy journey, and I've certainly struggled for parts of it, but it's certainly never been boring!

I've always tried to make sure that I listen out for God's voice in order that I know what He wants of me. Sometimes I have heard that voice as if it spoke right next to me, and this has happened at moments of great revelation in my life such as the time that I knew God was calling me into full-time ministry. I guess that my only explanation is that I expect to hear God speaking to me.

So often I have had people ask me why 'special' things seem to happen to me in my Christian life, and the only answer that I have is that I expect them to. After all, my God is all-powerful, and there is nothing that He is incapable of, so why should we be so surprised when things happen to us that have a beneficial impact on our spiritual lives. Surely, to go through life and not expect anything to happen to you is a sign of weakness in your faith?

Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to the Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it." (John 14: 12-14 NAS).

Often in the Bible, we discover Jesus has taken Himself apart from the others in order to pray in communion with God the Father. These were the times when His mission was reiterated and strengthened. They were times of renewing and refreshing. Jesus knew that He needed to Go to the Father in order to submit Himself completely to the Father's will, and that in so doing He would receive the strengthening and the refreshing that He needed to fulfil all that was asked of Him. It's no different for us as His followers, for if we truly want to follow Him then we must do all that we can to be like Him, emulating the way in which He lived, walked, touched, spoke, and prayed. If it was necessary for Jesus who was perfect to pray to His Father for renewing and for guidance, how much more do we --- with all of our imperfections --- need to do the same. It's only by submitting ourselves totally to God through prayer and in the name of Jesus that we will know the path that He wants us to take, and receive the strength that we need in order to fulfil God's will for our lives.

We must let God dictate the small things as well as the big things, handing our lives over to Him completely. That way we will experience REVIVAL through the constant renewing of our minds in Christ, and be able follow the leading of our hearts that are Christ-centred.

Boring? NEVER! The journey has been so exciting this far, and there is so much more left to do and to experience. What a wonderful blessing it has been, it is and it will be! That's because our God is unchanging --- the same yesterday, today and for ever! Praise the Lord!

I have never regretted giving my life to Him for one millisecond, and I pray that He will continue to use me to help others in their spiritual walk, to encourage, to touch, to heal, and the myriad other tasks that He sets before me. one thing is sure, as long as I walk with Jesus I will never be alone and I will most certainly never find myself bored!

God bless you!

1 comment:

koinonia community said...

I didn't know we were supposed to be boring. Is that why some of the folks at church just look at me and shake their heads? I think life with Jesus is exciting and energizing. It makes me want to sing, dance, and shout!!