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Friday, February 4, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Church Bells Ring'

Church Bells Ring   99 99
TUNE: Moody
Let the church bells ring out ‘cross the earth,
To tell the world of the Saviour’s birth.
The joyful songs by the people sung,
Proclaim the birth of the holy One.
Star shining bright at the ending day,
Led men to where the infant Christ lay.
They worshipped Him in those days of old,
With their gifts of myrrh, incense and gold.
Still we today, with a joyful cry,
Lift hearts and voices up to the sky.
The bells that ring out across the earth,
Proclaim the news of the Saviour’s birth.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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