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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

CAIR has ties to Hamas

Why you should CAIR

New Video Documents How the Council on American
Islamic Relations Has Ties to Hamas

Last week, we brought to you an explosive story by investigative writer Patrick Poole, where he, quoting an unnamed DOJ employee whistleblower, claimed that the brass at the DOJ, under Eric Holder, ordered the squashing of indictments of several national Islamic organizations and their leaders due to their ties to the Obama White House. Poole’s whistleblower specifically singled out CAIR and its Chairman Emeritus as beneficiaries of the squashed indictments.

In this context, United States Representative Sue Myrick last week released the third video in an excellent three part series on the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in America. This new video focuses on the early days of the Council on American Islamic Relations (C.A.I.R.) and documents their ties to the federally designated terrorist group Hamas.

Watch video here now

After watching this video, please go to our Fire Eric Holder Poll. We feel convinced that once you see for yourselves the overwhelming evidence as to CAIR’s founding, its leadership and its stated goals, that you will demand the Attorney General step down.

We also ask that you share this email with your friends and family. We need to step up the grassroots pressure with the goal of forcing a change at the Department of Justice.

If you want to stay on top of this issue keep checking back with us at

We have it from reliable sources that several of our ally Members and Senators on the Hill are ready, willing and able to hold the Attorney General’s feet to the fire on this issue and that they might get their first chance on May 4th (next Wed) as the Attorney General is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Our own Director of Government Relations, Lisa Piraneo, will once again be monitoring this hearing and will offer her live tweet commentary on the issue, should Holder be questioned on this matter.

Follow Lisa’s ACT! for America Tweets from the Hill Here

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