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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In Praise of Him Again!

The second book of Christian verse in the series, 'In Praise of Him' was titled In Praise of Him Again! and the front cover photograph is of the Bridgewater Canal at Runcorn,a short distance from Top Locks. The book was published in 2006 by Voice Publications. It's available from Voice Publications, 33 Balfour Street, Runcorn, WA7 4PH, priced at £4.95 plus 95p post & packing, ISBN 978-09553583-2-6.

The following poem appears in the book:

Have You?

Sometimes it makes me wonder
about the people whom I meet;
those I find in a quiet church,
or on a busy street;
hurrying and scurrying,
being kind and doing good,
the way that well we know,
God has ordained we should.
Yet, sometimes, we meet someone
with a special word to say,
And when they do we wonder,
did an angel come our way?
We see no angelic wings,
and hear no heavenly choir;
yet something in the way they look,
  familiar, not odd 
Leaves us with a sense
Of having briefly met with God.
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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