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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Poem: 'Alone in the Garden'

Alone in the Garden
 Alone in the garden He prayed
That there might be another way;
Alone in the garden He stayed
In obedience.  All He could say,
‘Father, not My will, but Yours,
Whatever You want I will do:
Wherever You ask Me to go,
I’ll go in obedience to You.’

Alone in the garden He knew
The sorrow that lay ahead;
Alone in the garden so true
To the thoughts in His heart and His head.
An angel appeared from heaven
To give strength to His resolve;
To help Him, in His agony,
The Father’s will to solve.

Alone in the garden, in agony
He prayed to His Father above;
Alone in the garden, He knew
That peace would come only through love.
And as the beads of sweat
Dropped down upon the earth,
They looked like drops of blood,
The blood of the second birth.

Alone in the garden He rose
Knowing that God was there.
Alone in the garden He turned
From the agony of His prayer.
Then coming back to His disciples
He found them sleeping in their sorrow,
And bid them ‘Watch and pray’
To be ready for the morrow.
 © Colin Gordon-Farleigh
 (Painting: Christ in Gethsemane' by Carl Bloch)

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