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Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Hymn for Easter: 'Victory'

Victory  87 87 D
TUNE: Autumn
 In Christ we have the victory,
For the battle has been won!
Grace and mercy ours to claim now,
Through the power of the Son!
      Raise your arms to highest heaven,
      For the battle has been won,
      Death has surely been defeated,
By the vict’ry of the Son!
Christ has overcome the grave now,
He has conquered death and sin!
And the gates of heaven are open,
Through Him we can enter in!
Raise your arms, . . .
On the cross He hung and suffered,
So that all might be forgiv’n.
With the pow’r of sin defeated,
Vict’ry has been won for heav’n!
Raise your arms, . . .
 © 2011 :  Colin Gordon-Farleigh 

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