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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Andrew Strom to come to UK?

Revivalist preacher Andrew Strom is due to come to Holland in October, and the United Kingdom towards the end of that month. The Voice Christian News & Views magazine regularly features his writing, and it's one of the first items that many people turn to when they receive their latest issue.

I greatly like the way that he writes, telling it like it is, and I would go as far as to say that we could do with many more of his ilk who are prepared to show their heads above the parapet in order to ensure that the TRUTH of the gospel is shared, rather than the watered down version that so many people get served up to them these days.

I cannot wait to meet up with him, a meeting which will follow something like 4 years of email contact, and I will hopefully be arranging a venue not too far from Liverpool to host him as part of his tour. If any of my readers in the UK feel led to host Andrew when he's here, please contact me so that I can try to arrange it for you with him. He's a powerful preacher, and right up front when it comes to Revival preaching, so I know that your church would be blessed. You can email me about this.

1 comment:

koinonia community said...

Good morning Rev Colin! You have been tagged. Stop by my blog for the rules. I hope you will play along. I am sending folks your way and know you will bless them.