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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Please don't forget Zimbabwe!

The news about Zimbabwe no longer dominates the Press, does it? Sadly, the fact that there is less in the media about the atrocities perpetrated by Mugabe and his henchmen, it doesn't mean that they are taking a rest from beating, torturing and killing innocent Zimbabweans. That continues on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, despite the threat of sanctions from many nations, Mugabe's evil regime is being propped up by those nations and leaders who either tacitly offer their support or who resolutely sit on the fence. Of course, if you are the leader of a nation yourself, and have a bad record on the violation of human rights in your own country, it might be considered inauspicious to throw stones whilst sitting in the proverbial glasshouse!

One of the images that sickened me recently was that of Mugabe holding up a Bible whilst he was sworn in for another term of office following the sham elections that he engineered. How he can hold a Bible at all is beyond me! I wonder whether it burned the skin on his hands.

He now swans about once more, surrounded by his sycophantic thugs whose task it is to protect him. Perhaps from amongst their ranks there will emerge a 'Brutus'? We can only hope!

All this apart, the major factor for concern is not the sham democracy that exists in Zimbabwe today, but the needs of the Zimbabwean people. So once again I urge you to hold them before God in your prayers.
  • Pray that they might be released from the fears that grip them.
  • Pray that they might obtain the food that they need to live.
  • Pray that they might have the medical resources available to them.
  • Pray that they might have freedom of religion.
  • Pray that the leaders of the world might unite in their favour.
  • Pray that they can be set FREE from the grip of this tyrannical despot.
  • Above all, pray for peace in their lives and the means to live a fruitful and rewarding existence in their land.
  • PRAY FOR MUGABE'S DOWNFALL. He has challenged God Himself, and so we can pray that God will deal with this totally Godless tyrant.

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