In some cities in the US it's already mandatory that your pet has a computer chip embedded in its body. Small farmers, including backyard farmers with a dozen chickens, are currently being advised that soon they will have to do that too. Guess who's next? There are already companies hard at work manufacturing and marketing computer chip implants for humans. Some misguided folks are already lining up for them because they been misled into believing that it will increase their 'personal security' and make their medical records immediately available in case of emergency.
You can check it out further on the Brasscheck website here. You can also download a report on the Verichip here.
My guess is that less than 1 out 1,000, maybe 1 out of 100,000, know how far along this plan is. If you don't tell them, odds are your friends and colleagues may never know.
Whatever you do, please don't accept a microchip being implanted under your skin under any circumstances. To do so will mean that you are surrendering your freewill to those who do not have your best interests at heart. They want to turn you and everyone on this planet into slaves, linked to a central computer which even now is being constructed.
The choice is yours.
Choose freedom or choose slavery.
P.S. Please sign up to receive and share Brasscheck TV, e-mails and videos with friends and colleagues. That's how they grow.
Hmmm. Didn't these people ever read Orwell's 1984? Use of these chips screams 'Big Brother'.
I just thought about another one...what about OnStar, or whatever they call it for tracking your car!
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