Today is the tenth anniversary of the Sunday that I came to St John's in Runcorn to 'preach with a view', as the expression goes. The church was packed with the majority of the members who had turned up to hear me and decide whether or not they wanted me to come on a more permanent basis as their Minister. Thankfully, as it has turned out, they did! I've now had the privilege of serving God and pastoring the congregation for ten years, and although I won't pretend that it's been the easiest task in the world, it certainly has been a rewarding one.

Today, to mark the occasion, I am going to preach the same sermon that I did on 12th July 1998, albeit that the Spirit will probably lead me in slightly differing directions as I speak. My message is entitled 'Freedom', and is based on Paul's letter to the Galatians, Chapter 5, verses 1-15. The picture shows the pulpit from which I preached 10 years ago, but at present we meet in the Hall behind the Sanctuary, whilst we await for our long-awaited building works to commence.
One of the exciting things when you set out on your spiritual journey is that you never know the direction that it will take. One thing, however, is certain, and that is that provided you follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and walk in the path that the Lord leads you in then it will always be worthwhile. Along the way you will find pitfalls and climb mountains, but much of the journey will be along smooth paths. I'm reminded of Acts 14:22 which says, . . .and that we must through much tribulation enter into the Kingdom of God. We have never been promised an easy ride. There will always be difficulties to be faced. but, oh, how worthwhile everything will prove to have been in the end when we reach, as Augustus puts it that Kingdom that has no end.
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