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Thursday, July 24, 2008

What a blessed time we had!

I returned yesterday evening from a 3-day Christian Healing Conference which was held at the beautiful Gregynog Hall in Mid-Wales. Surely one of the greatest of settings for such a conference. It certainly helps to heal simply by being there and appreciating the beauty of the surroundings. The occasion was the 55th year of the Summer Healing School, and the guest speakers were Canon Roy Laurence and his wife Eira. What a joy and a privilege it was to have someone so prominent (and also so humble) to share from their extensive experiences in Christian Healing. Many of Roy's books --- he's written 12 --- were on sale as well, allowing people to take the learning experience not only further, but home as well.
I was privileged to have been invited to conduct the blessing service, and an important part of this Service is when people are invited to the front for prayer and offered the opportunity to be anointed with oil. More people seemed to come forward this year than ever before (certainly in my memory going back over the past 16 years). From the time that I spent in preparation for the Service I was so aware that there was a great and precious anointing on me, and when the Service commenced at 7.30 on the Tuesday evening the atmosphere was positively charged with the power of the Holy Spirit.
I had prepared a small booklet with ten of my hymns especially for use in the Service, and the sound of about 70 people singing their hearts out in worship for the Lord was absolutely phenomenal! The Psalmist urges us to make a joyful sound, and we certainly did that!
What a wonderful blessing it was for me to know that I did not stand on the platform alone! I spoke in the Holy Spirit, and then had the privilege of anointing those who came forward for that blessing. After the last person had been anointed I received an anointing myself, administered by Canon Roy and Eira.
We certainly experienced the WOW! factor throughout the evening, not because of me, but because our Lord used me so mightily. This is not because I'm particularly special, but just because I made myself available. Of course, we are all special in God's sight, but it's when we hand ourselves totally into His hands that miracles happen. Our hands become His hands, and our words are His words. The blessing comes not from us but through us. It is all from Him. How I wish that you, dear reader, could have been there to share in the blessing. At least I hope that by my sharing it with you here, having held my report in prayer, you will still receive a blessing as you read it.
All I can say, once again, is:
Isn't God Wonderful!

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