Saturday, December 31, 2011

Joanne Lowe's Meditations: 'God is Angry'

“Thou answeredst them, O LORD our God: thou wast a God that forgavest them, though thou tookest vengeance of their inventions.”
Psalm 99:8 (King James Version)
     Sometimes we blame the friends of our teenagers when the teenagers do drugs and get involved in crime.  In many cases, this is true.  However, the real enemy of our children is the television set.  Yet, we allow our teenagers to watch this junk and what is worse; sometimes we watch the movies with them. 
     There are very few movies on television that make us think of Jesus and bring honor to Him.  Most of the movies have sex, cursing and violence in them.  God is angry because we have allowed the television set to become like a god to us.  In some homes, the television is turned on as soon as they wake up. 
     There are some people who spend more time watching television than they do reading their Bible.  This not only makes God angry, it also hurts Him and breaks His heart.  What a sad commentary it is on those of us who claim to be Christians that we watch television more than we read our Bible. 
     Like an ostrich, parents sometimes bury their head in the sand so they can’t see what is happening to their children.  One of the definitions in Webster’s Dictionary for ostrich is “one who attempts to avoid danger or difficulty by refusing to face it”.  We must face the reality that our teenagers need help. 
     Heavenly Father, please forgive us for allowing our children to watch movies that hurt You.  Help us as parents to set a good example for our children.  May we protect our children and love them unconditionally just as You protect us and love us.  Amen.
Joanne Lowe
December 31, 2011

A Happy, Peaceful & Prosperous New Year for 2012 to all of my readers.

2011 is on the way out and by this time tomorrow we will be celebrating the first day of 2012.

It only seems a short time since we were looking forward to celebrating the new millennium! So much has happened during the first eleven years of this new millennium, not least of all the economic woes that have affected most folk in some way or another.

We have experienced increasing lawlessness in our nations and increasing violence on our streets. Figures show that throughout all of the problems here in the United Kingdom, the church, both leadership and body, have proved their ineffectiveness. The figureheads of mainstream denominations, when it comes to leadership and example, have been weak and ineffective.

I have said before, and will repeat many times in the future, that unless and until this nation bows before God and repents of its ways then things will worsen. A nation cannot turn its collective back upon God and when times are good and then expect Him to get them out of trouble when they are bad.

It is time for a National Day of Prayer. Why wait for politicians who are more concerned with votes to keep them in power than honouring God, or for Church leaders such as the Archbishop of Canterbury who appear too weak-willed to call the people to their knees in repentance? 

The time is long overdue for those who claim to be Christians to lead the way by example. It's time for Vicars, Priests-in-Charge, Pastors, Ministers, Priests --- whatever the title may be --- to open their churches and for the people to go and renew their  commitment to God and to Christ. It's time for those with a message from God to the people to take that message and proclaim it boldly and without fear throughout the land.

Of course there will be countless numbers who continue to reject God and all that He stands for, but if they continue to do so in this eleventh hour then they are foolish and unconcerned for their future.
  • Are YOU a follower of Jesus Christ?
  • Will YOU lead the way in your community?
  • Will YOU repent and seek God in all things?
  • When Christ returns, will YOU be amongst those caught up in the rapture or will YOU be one of those left behind?
Nobody else can make the decisions for you, only YOU can do that. Don't delay, make 2012 a Year of Prayer and make it the year when YOU turned your life around so that YOU face life in the right direction!

I wish every one of you a truly blessed New Year!

Friday, December 30, 2011

More Great Christian Quotes on Prayer

“The neglected heart will soon be a heart overrun with worldly thoughts; the neglected life will soon become a moral chaos; the church that is not jealously protected by mighty intercession and sacrificial labours will before long become the abode of every evil bird and the hiding place for unsuspected corruption. The creeping wilderness will soon take over that church that trusts in its own strength and forgets to watch and pray."
- A. W. Tozer
"True prayer is a lonely business."
- Samuel Chadwick
"Prayer is life passionately wanting, wishing, desiring God's triumph. Prayer is life striving and toiling everywhere and always for that ultimate victory."
- George Campbell Morgan
"Real prayer is communion with God"  
- Arthur W. Pink
"Prayer is the first thing, the second thing, the third thing necessary to a minister. Pray, then, my dear brother; pray, pray, pray."  - Edward Payson
"The secret of praying is praying in secret."
 Leonard Ravenhill
"Prayer itself is an art which only the Holy Ghost can teach us. He is the giver of all prayer. Pray for prayer - pray till you can pray."
 Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
"Too busy; O forgive, Dear Lord, that I should ever be, too much engrossed in earthly tasks, to spend an hour with thee."
- A.B. Christiansen
"Prayer is not an exercise, it is the life."
 Oswald Chambers

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ci permetta di fare 2012 per anno di Preghiera

Un altro anno pressocché la chiusura di che vuole dire che noi entriamo in un anno nuovo riempito con opportunità fresche di servire il Dio. Ci permetta di costituirgli un anno di Preghiera di Intercessionary persone sapere Cristo.

Paul c'esorta a 'Preghi senza cessare.' è l'obbedienza a questa chiamata che produce i risultati associata con preghiera durevole. Quelli Cristiano che pregano il più più porti a termine la più, e durevole preghiera provoca revival durevole.

Il tardo Leonard Ravenhill, un grande uomo di Dio ed uomo di preghiera scrisse:
"Preghiera non condiziona Dio; preghiera ci condiziona. Preghiera non vince Dio alla nostra vista; rivela la prospettiva di Dio a noi. Preghiera non è merito, così che prelevando dal mondo noi di guadagno di necessità favours speciale da Dio. Se Lei chiede perché noi così molto enfatizziamo preghiera e così spesso, noi rispondiamo, "Perché Gesù faceva così." Il Vangelo di Luke dà conto di notti intere speso in preghiera dal Salvatore. Siamo migliori di Lui? " (Revival Pregando: Leonard Ravenhill: Casa di Bethany).

Quindi perché 2012 dovrebbero essere un anno di Preghiera? Semplicemente perché Dio ci chiama per pregare senza cessare. Quello è buono abbastanza per me.

Laissez-nous en faire 2012 par année de Prière

Presque la fin d'une autre année que les moyens que nous introduisons dans une nouvelle année ont rempli d'occasions fraîches de servir le Seigneur. Laissez-nous le faire une année de Prière Intercessionary pour les gens pour connaître Le Christ.

Paul nous préconise à 'Priez sans cesser.' C'est obéissance à cet appel qui produit les résultats associé avec prière durable. Ces Chrétien qui prient le plus accomplissent la prière plus, et durable provoque la renaissance durable.

Le Leonard Ravenhill tardif, un grand homme de Dieu et homme de prière, a écrit:
"La prière ne prépare pas Dieu; la prière nous prépare. La prière ne gagne pas Dieu à notre vue; il révèle la vue de Dieu à nous. La prière n'est pas mérite, afin qu'en retirant du monde nous de gain de la nécessité faveurs spéciales de Dieu. Si vous demandez pourquoi nous accentuons si beaucoup la prière et si souvent, nous répondons, "Parce que Jésus a fait donc." L'Évangile par Luke donne compte de nuits entières dépensé dans prière par le Sauveur. Est-ce que nous sommes meilleurs que Lui? " (Renaissance Prier: Leonard Ravenhill: Maison Bethany).

Donc pourquoi est-ce que 2012 devraient être une année de Prière? Simplement parce que Dieu nous appelle pour prier sans cesser. C'est bon assez pour moi.

Lassen Sie uns 2012 pro Jahr von Gebet machen

Fast das Ende von einem anderen Jahr, das bedeutet, daß wir in ein neues Jahr, das mit frischen Gelegenheiten gefüllt wird, dem Herrn zu dienen, hineingehen. Lassen Sie uns es einem Jahr Intercessionary Prayer für Leute machen, Christus zu kennen.

Paul drängt uns, ', ohne aufzuhören zu beten.' Es ist Gehorsam zu diesem Anruf, der die Ergebnisse produziert, der mit dauerndem Gebet assoziiert wird. Jene Christen schaffen, die das Meiste beten, das meiste, und dauerhafte Gebet führt dauernde Wiederbelebung herbei.

Der späte Leonard Ravenhill, ein großer Mann von Gott und Mann des Gebetes schrieben:
"Gebet konditioniert keinen Gott; Gebet konditioniert uns. Gebet gewinnt keinen Gott zu unserer Sicht; es enthüllt Gottes Sicht zu uns. Gebet ist, verdienen Sie nicht, damit wir von Notwendigkeit besondere Gunst von Gott profitieren, indem wir uns von der Welt zurückziehen. Wenn Sie fragen, warum wir Gebet so sehr und so oft betonen, antworten wir, machte "Because Jesus damit." Das Evangelium von Luke gibt Konto von ganzen Nächten, das in Gebet vom Retter ausgegeben wird. Sind wir besser als er"? (Wiederbelebung, die betet,: Leonard Ravenhill: Bethany-Haus).

Deshalb, warum sollten 2012 ein Jahr Gebet sein? Einfach, weil uns Gott ruft, um, ohne aufzuhören zu beten. Das ist gut genug für mich.

Let's make 2012 a Year of Prayer

Almost the close of another year which means that we enter into a new year filled with fresh opportunities to serve the Lord. Let us make it a Year of Intercessionary Prayer for people to know  Christ.

Paul urges us to 'Pray without ceasing.' It is obedience to this call that produces the results associated with lasting prayer. Those Christians who pray the most accomplish the most, and lasting prayer brings about lasting revival.

The late Leonard Ravenhill, a great man of God and man of prayer, wrote:
"Prayer does not condition God; prayer conditions us. Prayer does not win God to our view; it reveals God's view to us. Prayer is not merit, so that by withdrawing from the world we of necessity gain special favours from God. If you ask why we emphasise prayer so much and so often, we reply, "Because Jesus did so." The Gospel by Luke gives account of whole nights spent in prayer by the Saviour. Are we better than He?" (Revival Praying (p124) : Leonard Ravenhill : Bethany House).

So why should 2012 be a Year of Prayer? Simply because God calls us to pray without ceasing. That's good enough for me.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Simon's Cat in 'Double Trouble'

Here is another brilliant cartoon of the antics of Simon's Cat. Check out the website for more.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Joanne Lowe's Meditations: 'He is Still Calling'

“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?  Then said I, Here am I; send me.”
Isaiah 6:8 (King James Version)
     Have you said yes to the call of Jesus on your life?  It’s not too late to say yes to Him.  He is still calling.  We read in the Bible “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest” (John 4:35).
     We need foreign missionaries.  However, we have neighbours and family members who aren’t saved.  We desperately need home missionaries.  They show pictures of children who are hungry on television.  There are children in our own neighbourhood who are hungry to know that someone loves them.
     In less than a week, we will start a new year.  Instead of making resolutions that are hard to keep, surrender your life to Jesus in full time service.  It will make Him very happy if you will start the new year by giving Him your time, your talents and everything you have.  Will you give your life to Jesus today?
     Heavenly Father, help us to get out of our comfort zones and serve the One who left His home and everything He had to come to earth and die for our sins.  Please plant deep within our heart not only a desire to serve Jesus but also the importance and the urgency of serving Jesus.  Amen.
Joanne Lowe
December 26, 2011

The Unacceptable Face of Islamic Militant Terrorism Strikes Again

     Release International has called for prayer and tighter security for Nigeria’s Christians after Islamist militants bombed churches for the second Christmas running. Some observers warn that Boko Haram, which wants to impose strict Islamic law in the country, is trying to spark a sectarian civil war.
     In the second wave of attacks within a week Boko Haram planted bombs at churches in Madalla, near the capital Abuja, and in Jos and Gadaka. The bomb in Madalla went off as worshippers packed the church for the Christmas service, killing around 35 and injuring at least 50 others.
     Gadaka is in Yobe state in the north, where Islamic law has already been imposed, but where a Christian minority remains. Jos is in Plateau state, the dividing line between the largely Muslim north and the mainly Christian south.
     Partners of Release International, which serves the suffering church worldwide, believe the Islamists’ aim may be to tear the country in two, creating a separate north ruled by strict Sharia law.
     Release CEO Andy Dipper, says: ‘Please pray for those whose family members have been killed and injured as they celebrate Christmas. Pray that in their grief they will know the presence of Jesus, who is both Emmanuel, God with us, and the Prince of Peace.
     ‘Pray that Christians will not allow themselves to be provoked into retaliation, and that the government will protect Christians where they are in a minority and deal effectively with the terrorist threat to their nation.’
     Through its international network of missions Release International serves persecuted Christians in 30 countries around the world by supporting pastors and Christian prisoners and their families; supplying Christian literature and Bibles, and working for justice.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Joanne Lowe's Meditations: 'Are You Telling?'

“And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.  And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.”
Luke 2:16,17 (King James Version)
     John W. Work Jr. wrote one of my favourite hymns “Go, Tell it on the Mountain”.  “Go, tell it on the mountain, Over the hills and everywhere Go, tell it on the mountain, That Jesus Christ is born.”  We may be telling people with our mouth but are we telling them with our actions?
     Are we telling our family about Jesus?  We may be the only Christian in our family and we want our family to be saved.  If we tell them they need Jesus but yell at them and are hateful to them, they won’t want to be saved because they don’t see the difference Jesus has made in our life.
     Can you honestly say that you have forgiven everyone who has hurt you?  If you have told them that you forgive them but allow bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy and hatred to remain in your heart, you have not forgiven them.  True forgiveness is when we forgive from our heart.
     One of the greatest gifts we can give Jesus on His birthday is to forgive those who have hurt us just as He forgives us when we hurt Him.  We need to remember that none of us are perfect.  All of us hurt one another.  There was only one perfect person who ever lived or ever will live and His name is Jesus.
      Heavenly Father, may we make Jesus happy today on His birthday not only by what we say, but especially by the way we treat one another.  Happy Birthday, Jesus!  Amen. 
Joanne Lowe
December 25, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Jackie Evancho sings 'The First Noel'

I am following the career of the amazing young singer Jackie Evancho with great interest. The maturity and clarity of her voice is amazing, and she sings with passion. Her rendition of the Christmas Carol, The First Noel' is a prime example of her prodigious talent.

A Very Happy Christmas to All My Readers

     We grow up with different ideas about the meaning of Christmas, and we conjure up different images according to which idea we focus on. For some the true meaning of Christmas is lost amidst the desire to get bigger and better and more presents each year, and about eating and drinking as much as possible. In the Western world, despite the current economic woes, the majority of folk will still enjoy more or less the same sort of feast that they usually do. Now, there is nothing wrong with a feast, but there is a lot wrong with focusing only on yourself. 
     The real story of Christmas, sung by carollers like those in the picture above which depicts a Victorian Christmas scene, is the story of how God came down to dwell amongst mankind in order to offer the world a plan whereby mankind can shake off the bonds of sin and embrace the arms of heaven.
     Christ is the reason for the season. He came to give life, not to take it; to give joy to others rather than selfishly being concerned only about His own pleasure. It is in the baby in the manger that we find the real meaning of Christmas. The meaning is love and sacrificial giving, leading to eternal life.
     This Christmas, why not determine to give and share rather than take and hoard. If you do, then you will start to discover the true meaning of Christmas, and discover the joy of being loved because you love others enough to share what you have with them.
I wish every one of you a 
Peaceful and Joyful Christmas!

'Twas the night before Christmas ...

I love this poem which manages to stir the very heart of people in its own unique way, and that is why I post it every Christmas Eve on my blog. In many households it's as much a part of Christmas, especially of course Christmas Eve, as hanging up your stocking. Read it again or read it for the first time. Whichever category you fall in to, the main thing is that you enjoy the very special nature of all the imagery contained in the words. Also, of course, for many people it will transport you back to childhood for a moment, and that can't be bad!

by Clement Clarke Moore
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! on Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Flash Mob by Journey of Faith at South Bay Galleria

What an inspiration I found this video to be! Good singing --- good message --- good sense of joyful spirit --- simply GREAT!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Joanne Lowe's Meditations: 'We Want To See You'

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 (King James Version)

Carrie Breck wrote one of my favourite hymns “Face to Face with Christ, My Saviour”.  The words in this hymn describe the longing in my heart.  “Face to face I shall behold Him, Far beyond the starry sky; Face to face in all His glory, I shall see Him by and by!”  O how I want to see You, Jesus.
     For those of us who have confessed our sins, repented of them, asked God to forgive us and invited Jesus into our heart, we will have the privilege of seeing Jesus face to face.  There is no event on earth that can even come close to the joy we will feel when we see Him face to face.
     Jesus, You are the joy of our heart and we want to see You.  Thank You for loving us so much that You walked that long lonely road to Calvary and died on the cross for our sins.  You are a loving and compassionate Saviour.  I love You with all of my heart.  Even so, come Lord Jesus! 
Joanne Lowe
December 17, 2011

CAIR now attempting to control law enforcement training programs

     CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) has, either through its national organization or its chapter affiliates, repeatedly tried to intimidate federal and local elected officials who have the courage to stand up to radical Islam.
     The latest from CAIR is its effort to dictate who the FBI uses as trainers in its counterterrorism programs. (See the CAIR release below).
     Apparently, it's not sufficient that the Obama administration has stripped all references to jihad and radical Islam from its national security strategy regarding terrorism.
     CAIR won't be happy until every government entity in America knuckles under to its sharia-driven agenda aimed at silencing any critique of radical Islam and any connection between radical Islam and Islamic terrorism.
     CAIR has also made it clear it will aggressively fight our efforts to pass "American Laws in American Courts," legislation that will prohibit courts from applying sharia law. Will we win? Or will CAIR win?

We need to hear from you, that you are in support of this effort. Please sign the pledge to protect your state from sharia law today! Nearly 35,000 people have signed thus far. Thank you! But surely out of our 175,000 members there are more than 35,000 people who support this effort! Check out how your state is doing here

CAIR Files Multi-State Records Requests on Anti-Muslim Law Enforcement Trainings
Group seeks information about state-level trainings that may have used taxpayer dollars to fund anti-Muslim trainers.
(Nov 15, 2011 - LOS ANGELES, CA)

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced today that 15 of its chapters nationwide have filed 87 separate public records requests about possible Islamophobic training of local, state and national law enforcement personnel.

CAIR is seeking information about state-level trainings that may have used federal taxpayer dollars to fund anti-Muslim trainers, a phenomenon highlighted in recent research and media reports.

Attorney General: FBI Hurt Terror Fight with 'Violent Muslim' Training

In a statement, CAIR said:

"CAIR's public records requests seek to ensure that law enforcement agencies are using qualified trainers who present objective and unbiased information to help protect Americans from violent extremists of all types. We firmly believe that good training leads to good investigations, while biased training leads to biased investigations. We are particularly concerned with ensuring that taxpayer dollars are not wasted on training that is agenda-driven, inaccurate or Islamophobic."

Both Attorney General Holder and FBI Director Mueller have acknowledged that the Department of Justice and the FBI are reviewing their training materials to remove inaccurate and biased information. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which provides most of the Federal funding for state and local training, recently issued a set of recommendations for countering violent extremism training. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Le caniche français de Merkel garde un jappement!

      Je suis sûr que beaucoup de gens ont trouvé Napoléon Bonaparte un petit Français ennuyeux. Il est réclamé quelquefois que le plus court vous êtes le plus bruyant vous avez besoin d'être pour faire votre voix a entendu sur la foule.
     C'est aussi un fait que très souvent le plus petit le chien le plus il jacasse et aboiements, souvent à la grande contrariété de tout du neighbours.
     Cela paraît certainement être aussi vrai du caniche français avec qu'Angela Merkel est souvent vue dans public. Il paraît qu'il est bien formé, pour Sarkozy vient, en courant toutes les fois que Merkel siffle pour lui. Cela qui un petit Français ennuyeux qu'il est, et cela qui beaucoup de bruit qu'il fait.
     Pour enlever des malheurs économiques de son propre Pays il revient à ce que les Français ont fait pour les années--- frapper loin aux Anglais. Ils n'ont jamais pardonné les Anglais pour battre Bonaparte, et c'est le problème.
     Bien sûr, ici dans le Royaume-Uni il y a beaucoup qui paraissent danser à l'air que Merkel et Sarkozy jouent actuellement. Nick Clegg--- le chef LibDem qui est meilleur à vaciller et fait attention à changer, et les plusieurs autres qui ont peur pour voir le jus de viande train de l'UE ont fait dérailler et leurs occasions pour travaux de la retraite doré sur tranche faits dérailler à quai--- étend tant de morceaux de bavard méchant au sujet des dangers créés par le veto de Cameron la semaine dernière de la part de Grande-Bretagne. Ils réclament ce Cameron a, par suite du veto, Grande-Bretagne gauche a exposé dangereusement et a isolé. Cela qui une charge d'absurdité! En ne joignant pas l'Euro condamné monnaie la Grande-Bretagne a été isolé depuis que l'Euro a été lancé en janvier 1999, donc ce qui est nouveau?
     À tout observateur assaisonné c'est évident que l'Euro est condamné à échec et le dustbin d'histoire économique et politique. Déjà nous avons eu des renflouements pour l'Euro qui a manqué spectaculairement d'accomplir la stabilité, et jeter plus de billions dans le pot étirera simplement dehors les mort douleurs de l'Euro et l'Eurozone.
     Aucun émerveillement que Merkel et ses vieux copains d'UE veulent amener une loi qui interdit tout pays dans l'UE de tenir un référendum sur toute politique d'UE!
     Paraît à moi que derrière tout de ceci le désir est pour le Nouveau Monde Ordonnez d'établir un étranglement plus serré sur ce coin du globe. Je ne suis pas d'accord avec beaucoup que les politiciens font ces jours parce qu'il paraît si souvent qu'ils s'inquiètent plus d'eux-mêmes que les gens ils sont nommés pour représenter. Cependant, j'étais les deux content et ai surpris par le courage politique 

Carlson School of Management Flash Mob, Deck the Halls

I love these Flash mob videos! The event in this one happened recently in November when The Carlson School of Management received a surprise visit from a saxophonist ... and nearly 300 of his friends from the University of Minnesota's School of Music.

Don Yarber and the 'Kip Yardley Mysteries' : Good reads for the Holidays!

Here's a trio of books that will keep you engrossed through the holidays. Written by Don Yarber, they feature Kip Yardley in a series of mysteries. Buy them from your book store or online from Amazon, or download them onto your nice new Kindle. Whatever way you do it, one thing is for sure, these mystery will keep you guessing!
Check out these reviews:
Corpses and Canyons:
     Kip Yardley is called to the wild, desert areas of Arizona to find the killers of a highway surveyor.   He gets shot at, left to die in the desert, and warned by Flagstaff Police to drop the case and go back home to LA.  Kip is determined to find out what the clues in an old Inidian Peace pipe, a topography map, and a drawing in the sand all add up to. 

     The bad guys are out to kill him and the girls are out to tease him.  But when the daughter of the higway construction boss disappears, things start getting hot in a hurry.  Fast paced, hard hitting, and cleverly constructed, this mystery will keep you guessing "who done it?"
Bodies and Beaches:
     In "Bodies and Beaches" Don has created Kip Yardley, hard hitting Private Eye, former California Highway Patrol officer.  Kip is hired by beautiful Starla Lang to find her brother's killers.
     Kip fights his way through beaches full of beach bums, barns full of marijuana and topless bars full of sleazy dancers and illegal aliens.
     Something keeps nagging Kip about the connection between the killers and a friend, Toby Smith, who is Kip's connection to the California Highway Patrol, and a guy who has always dealt his cards straight.
     Kip needs to prove to himself that Toby isn't a bad guy but all indications are that he is being set up for a hard fall.
     Funny at times, serious at others, this book is fast paced and easy reading.
Death and Deep Water:
     The third in the "Kip Yardley" mysteries, Kip is asked by an aging Hollywood movie star to find the remains of her WWII pilot husband, shot down over a South Pacific island. Kip's fee: $250,000.
     Then the old lady turns up dead, shot through the head with a .22 calibre handgun.  LA police find a contract for Kip's assignment, signed by the old lady.  All Kip has to do to make the quarter million dollars she offered is to sign the contract and find the remains.
     There are dark forces and deep waters between Kip and the quarter million.

Merkel's French poodle keeps on yapping!

     I'm sure that many people found Napoleon Bonaparte an annoying little Frenchman. It is sometimes claimed that the shorter you are the louder you need to be in order to make your voice heard over the crowd. 
     It is also a fact that very often the smaller the dog the more it yaps and barks, often to the great annoyance of all of the neighbours. 
     This certainly seems to be true also of the French poodle that Angela Merkel is often seen in public with. It seems that he is well trained, for Sarkozy comes running whenever Merkel whistles for him What an annoying little Frenchman he is, and what a lot of noise he makes.
     In order to detract from his own Country's economic woes he reverts to what the French have done for years --- bashing away at the British. They have never forgiven the British for defeating Bonaparte, and that's the problem.
     Of course, here in the UK there are many who seem to dance to the tune that Merkel & Sarkozy are currently playing. Nick Clegg --- the LibDem leader who is best at wavering and mind-changing, and various others who are afraid to see the gravy-train of the EU derailed and their opportunities for gilt-edged retirement jobs derailed alongside --- are spreading so many bits of malicious gossip about the dangers created by Cameron's veto last week on behalf of Britain. They claim that Cameron has, as a result of the veto, left Britain dangerously exposed and isolated. What a load of nonsense! By not joining the doomed Euro currency Britain has been isolated since the Euro was launched in January 1999, so what's new?
     To any seasoned observer it is obvious that the Euro is doomed to failure and the dustbin of economic and political history. Already we have had bailouts for the Euro that have spectacularly failed to achieve stability, and throwing more billions into the pot will simply stretch out the death-throes of the Euro and the Eurozone.
     No wonder Merkel and her EU cronies want to bring in a law which bans any country in the EU from holding a referendum on any EU policy! 
     Seems to me that behind all of this is the desire for the New World Order to establish a tighter stranglehold on this corner of the globe. I don't agree with much that the politicians do these days because it so often appears that they are more concerned about themselves than the people they are appointed to represent. However, I was both pleased and surprised by David Cameron's political courage in vetoing what he perceived to be bad for the UK, despite the whining of the assorted Europhiles, especially those in the LibDem camp.

Hank Locklin sings 'Almost Persuaded'

I love the old-time Country singers, and so you'll understand that I like Hank Locklin. I remember when this song was released and loved it then. Hope you enjoy it.

Promo for Samantha Link's new CD: 'Bring Me To Life'

Samantha Link 'Bring me to life' album out now on Amazon.
Purchase via the Classical Crossover shop :-
or go to Samantha's website at

What a great Christmas present this would make!

Out of the Mouths of Babes!

     This vintage home video features an adorable little girl that has her own special way of performing in a choir. Most kids are shy and quiet when on stage, but this little girl belts out the song even though she doesn't quite know the words. Classic and hilarious!
     Just sit back, watch, smile, laugh and, above all, enjoy.

Sign the Petition supporting Lowe’s right to end advertising on TLC’s TV show “All-American Muslim”

Imagine for a moment that the propaganda arm for Hamas in the United States, CAIR, was viciously attacking an American company for its decision to stop running commercials on a television show highlighting a CAIR community organizer.

And imagine that a California State Senator took to the media airwaves to call this American company "bigoted, shameful and un-American." Imagine further that he even suggested he would propose a law to make what the company did illegal.


No longer are we in an America of imagination. This is today’s reality. Lowe’s Home Improvement made a lawful business decision to end its advertising on TLC’s TV show, “All-American Muslim.” The available evidence is that Lowe’s did so because the show’s ratings had tanked so badly it hardly had any viewers. It’s not uncommon for businesses to stop advertising on shows with low ratings.

But CAIR and its radical allies have claimed something more sinister is going on. They have joined voices in a chorus of vicious allegations, name-calling, and outrageous demands—all intended to bully an all-American company, Lowe’s Home Improvement, into submission to their radical agenda.

This is an outrage! 

If CAIR and its radical allies succeed in bullying Lowe’s into submission, consider the message this intimidation will send to businesses across America.

We are calling on you to join us TODAY in encouraging Lowe’s to resist this intimidation campaign. Please add your name HERE in SUPPORT of Lowe’s Home Improvement and its right to make decisions regarding when and where it will advertise.

Remember, CAIR is a front organization for the Muslim Brotherhood. CAIR is an organization that was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in our country’s largest terrorism financing trial in history. CAIR and its radical allies must not be allowed to impose their agenda on Lowe’s—or any other company in America.

So please exercise your freedom today and sign our petition in support of Lowe’s.

Thank you! 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

One Christmas Morning : Recollections of a small boy

Barefoot and excited, I stepped out of the snug warmth of my bed onto   the cold linoleum that stretched across my bedroom floor, my eyes rapidly adjusting to the half-light of the room which the crack in the door allowed. Every day was even more exciting to me then than it is now, and each new day brought with it the possibility of fresh, and previously undreamed of, adventures. But today was even more special, because today was Christmas Day, and that meant it was the day when perhaps my boyhood dreams of new books, new toys and lots of shared excitement, would come to fruition.

Quietly and carefully I reached out for the sock that I had left, flat and empty, yet full of the hope of things to come, the night before. At first I had difficulty picking it out against the dark bedspread, but then my fingers seized upon the now-bulging sock and I eagerly climbed back into the cocoon of bed-clothes that had quickly started to cool down, once they were deprived of the warmth of my little body. Not that I noticed, for I was too excited to care about such a minor irritation when the riches of my Christmas stocking waited to be discovered.

I determined to extract the items one by one, savouring each one as I did so in order to get the most pleasure from the exercise, but soon I was too excited to bother about being patient, and I upended the stocking onto the bed-cover, the contents spilling out in the half-dark of the fast-approaching dawn. As they tumbled out they knocked together, and something rolled off the bed and onto the floor, seeming to me to make enough noise to wake the whole household. I held my breath, hardly daring to move, listening for the sound of my mother's tread on the landing below. It seemed ages, although it was probably only about thirty seconds, until I was reassured that all was well, and that nobody had heard. I knew that if I got caught at my game then everything would be taken from me until later and I would be told quite firmly to go back to sleep. 'Go back to sleep!' I thought. How can you go back to sleep when there's a whole world waiting to be discovered in the unwrapping of a small present?

My fingers found the little orange and I started to pick off the peel, savouring the fresh smell of citrus as I did so, my mouth watering at the thought of the treat to come. I picked off one segment at a time, enjoying the lingering taste of each before I moved on to the next, getting the most out of my prize. Then came the sweets and then unwrapping of a model car and unrolling the rolled up colouring book, quickly discarded because I had no crayons in my room. Soon I had checked and re-checked every item, had eaten all that I could except for the nuts which I was unable to get into. As I had wondered before, I wondered once again at the wisdom of nuts, so difficult to open, being part of the treasure trove in my stocking.

Satisfied finally from my  adventure in the solitary confine of my room, I let the warmth of my bed gradually lull me back into sleep. No doubt in the morning I would recall it like a half-remembered dream, and start looking forward, as boys do, to next Christmas, when the excitement would wake me once again in the half-light. But for now there was the rest of today to enjoy, with the promise of untold, yet not unimagined, happiness as the day unfolded.

Darren Mullan sings 'Hallelujah'

A few months ago, on August 6th, Darren Mullan, Australian singer/musician/CEO of Wrapit Records, was married at St Martin's Lutheran Church in Mannum, South Australia. This video was shot at the wedding, with Darren, the nervous groom, singing Leonard Cohen's great song 'Hallelujah' for his bride Andrea Murphy. What a treat for everyone, us included!

Great news about Milli Alaira

I'm a great fan of Milli Alaira! She has such a fabulous voice, and I have just heard a whisper that she is going back into the recording studio in January. I can't wait to hear the results!!! Her hit recording of If Only I Had Wings, which charted at #2 in the NCM Charts awhile back, is such a beautiful song. You can buy it on iTunes if you haven't already got it on your iPod.
The photo below of Milli and myself was taken when she gave one of her stunning performances a couple of months back.

Breathtaking Performance as Susan Boyle sings 'O Holy Night'

What a wonderful gift Susan Boyle has! Her voice brings joy to millions of folk around the world. Here she is singing the beautifully moving song O Holy Night.

Tim Hawkins on 'Christmas iPods and Cassettes'

We all love our children the same... except maybe when they bellyache about getting the wrong color iPod for Christmas. Tim Hawkins jokes about the trials and tribulations of Christmas gift shopping in this GodTube Exclusive clip, which comes from Tim's concert DVD Insanitized - Get it for Christmas @