I pass on the following because I think that it is so important. Judge for yourself!
By Jan Markell
By Jan Markell
Following a four-day conference last week at Yale University, Christian and Muslim leaders from around the world announced the first step of the "Common Word" exchange drafted last November. A joint statement was affirmed in their support of religious freedom and further interfaith dialogue based on their common love for God and neighbor. But something is very wrong with this picture. Over 140 conference participants unanimously approved a cooperative statement that signaled a "new beginning of collaboration between Christians and Muslims" where stronger assertions of faith would be required. So the statement began by affirming the "unity and absoluteness of God" and God's merciful love as central to both religions. Wait a minute! Allah has merciful love? And Allah is central to both Christianity and Islam? Isn't it devotion to Allah that causes people to strap explosives onto themselves and blow innocent people to shreds? And it seems he also encourages some of his followers to cut off heads of the innocent.
In attendance and in agreement, sadly, were both the head of the National Association of Evangelicals and the World Evangelical Alliance. Those two organizations represent most evangelicals in America. Both faiths--Christianity and Islam -- pledged to spend one week a year sharing the good aspects about the other's faith. Our pulpits are already lacking in sound gospel preaching! Now we must take one week each year to learn that Islam might really be "a religion of peace?" And that Christians and Muslims worship the same God? The Lord's Day is just that: A day to worship and learn about the God of the Bible, not to hear about the positive nature of Islam or any other faith. It's tough enough that many reading this are laboring in churches that have forsaken the Bible for "new ways of doing church." We have leftists and Emergent Church leaders praised in our pulpits, and now once a year we will have Islam praised in our pulpits--and I am speaking of "evangelical" pulpits since the heads of the evangelical world signed on to this. Don't these evangelical leaders know that deception is part and parcel of the Muslim religion when they deal with "infidels"? Do they really think American mosques are going to start heralding Christianity once a year and really mean it? Don't they know that many American mosques--certainly not all--are the breeding ground for calling for the destruction of America and its takeover by Islam?
I have to conclude that the primary goal here is unbiblical ecumenical unity. The second goal is to get Christians to see Islam in a positive light. Sharing the gospel with Muslims is not part of the agenda with this interfaith effort, even though thousands of Muslims are turning to Christ today. If this element were a part of the plan, it would be less egregious. I ask, "Where is the outrage toward the evangelical leaders who are promoting this agenda?" It has long been the standard of congregations who are a part of the National Council of Churches to promote ecumenical unity and praise false religions. Now that so-called evangelical organizations are doing the same, is there a dime's worth of difference between them? Forgive my cynicism but I think the Muslims are laughing all the way to Mecca. RADIO: Our programming from last weekend is posted at "Radio Archives." Learn of some of the "101 Last Days Prophecies" with Jim Tetlow and about vanishing discernment today with Sandy Simpson from Deception in the Church. Our archived programming is even dial-up friendly if you don't have DSL. For podcasting information, visit this link. We are live Saturdays, 9 to 11 AM CDT out of AM980 KKMS, Minneapolis/St. Paul, simulcast with AM820 KGNW, Seattle/Tacoma, 7 to 9 AM PDT. We are heard nationally through affiliates and satellite and internationally via the Internet.
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"I trust in You, O Lord . . . Our times are in Your hands..." Psalms 31:14
Here are a few choice tidbits to consider as well from someone who knows:
"If you knew Islam as I know Islam" ... I teach on this subject and lived 10% of my childhood in Libya.
The Islamic principal of " El Taqu'hia" instructs Muslims to lie to infidels to further the cause of Islam. THIS IS NORMAL PRACTICE FOR THEM.
This is why NO treaty signed by Arabs is worth the paper it's written on ( vide Oslo ).
Did you know that Yasser Arafat's uncle lived in Germany as Hitler's guest during the war and helped with The Final Solution? That he founded a muslim SS Regiment ?
Did you know that as Mufti of Jerusalem in 1928 he announced ( to the surprise of most Muslims ) that Mohammed had ascended on his horse from the Dome of The Rock?
There's an awful lot about Islam that most Christians NEED to know " Know thine enemy "And enemies THEY ARE ; The Lord Jesus died for them too but the very idea that their 'god' is the same as The Lord is farcical. Islam declares " A**ah has no son" so he clearly isn't God The Father.
God bless!
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