With all of this in mind it will be important to exercise our votes wisely in the forthcoming European Elections. Some will be tempted not to vote at all as a means of protest, but it's wrong to throw away the vote that has been fought so hard for by previous generations. Additionally, to refrain from voting does not make a statement so much about the state of the government but about the state of the electorate.
Many will decide to shun the main Parties, all of whom have had their snouts deep into the trough, yet who do you then vote for. Some candidates may stand as Independents, only to reveal their true allegiance after being voted into power, so if you decide to vote for an Independent, make certain that they are exactly what they claim to be. Of course there are alternatives, one of which will be the British Nationalist Party (BNP), who will no doubt be portraying a softer appearance than they really are. To vote for them would be to vote for bigoted viewpoints, racial hatred, and much more of the worst in human nature.
Thankfully, there is another option, and that is to cast your vote in favour of The Christian Party, a party which has core Scriptural values at its heart. The Christian agenda is positive, constructive and helpful to society. We need to raise the standard of integrity amongst those who hold office, and to revive the core Christian values on which this once-great nation of ours was built.
So the choice is yours dear reader.
- You can throw away your vote by not voting for anyone at all.
- You can vote for the same party that you always have done, irrespective of the revelations of corruption on a grand scale.
- You can vote for a party built on a bedrock of racialism, anti-semitism, and hatred.
- You can vote for an Independent party such as The Green Party
- You can vote for The Christian Party, which is based upon the same core values that you try your best to live by.
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