On 3rd and 4th of April I was Moderator for a Revival gathering which was organised by Andrew Strom, and took place at Moriah Chapel in Loughor, near Swansea, South Wales, which is the site where the 1904/1905 Revival, which was the last GREAT WELSH REVIVAL, broke out when the Holy Spirit fell on the young Evan Roberts as he prayed "Bend me, Lord! Bend me!"
The Gathering was blessed with gifted speakers over the two days, which included Andrew Strom (NZ), David Servant (USA), Dyfrig Griffiths (WALES), and Alex Tinson (UK), in addition to which I led the Saturday afternoon Session which was a talk on healing followed by a blessing and anointing on the many people who came forward for healing prayer. As well as the talks there were some great worship times with prayer the forefront.
The whole of the Gathering was recorded by Voice Media under the watchful eye of Martin Holding, and the recordings are now available to get by post as a set of ten CD's. If you would like a set then just send us an email with your details on. All we ask of you is that you make a donation towards the costs of production and dispatch, and they will be sent off to you straight away. You can either send a cheque, money order or postal order, to Voice Ministries, 33 Balfour Street, Runcorn, WA7 4PH, UK, or you can donate by Paypal by clicking on the 'DONATE' icon on the website. The full set of recordings is only available from Voice Ministries, so don't miss the opportunity to get it and be inspired by it.
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