When I was a small boy I recall my father teaching me a rhyme about this non-person which went like this:
'Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish he hadn't gone away.'
I guess then, that this will be the same Mr Nobody who will be found to blame for the Iraq debacle.
According to the information announced regarding the 'Inquiry', not only will it meet in secret but it will have no legal powers to order anyone to attend before it, nor to have witnesses swear an oath that they are telling the truth, nor even to demand documents that could be considered relevant to it. The Inquiry will be held behind closed doors, 'allowing witnesses to be as candid as possible'. In other words, whatever is said will be irrelevant.
Brown has told MPs that the Inquiry would be fully independent, and I'm sure it will be, notwithstanding the brief that it has to remain secret and irrelevant. So what, you might well ask, is the point of it? I guess that only Gordon Brown and his inner circle of Whitehall gnomes can answer that question, but I suspect that it's simply a ploy for Brown to cling on to his shaky power platform for a little longer.
There is no doubt that those politicians already credited with lying about matters such as WMDs in order to support going to war with Iraq despite fierce opposition from a massive representation of the electorate, will be quite safe from further exposure.
Why, I can judge the artistic ability of the whitewash experts already. I'm sure that the final result will be to tell those gullible enough to listen that there were WMDs after all, and they have only just been proven to exist. Perhaps the Iraq war is being used once again in an attempt to lift the flagging reputation of a leading politico.
One thing is for certain, and that is that the Inquiry will cost an obscene amount of public money in order to prove nothing in terms of Truth. Probably, when it is over, some mandarin will receive another so-called honour by being elected to the Peerage in order to ride the gravy train.
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