Local Runcorn author Chris Darlington has just released a local history CD about the Tanning Industry that used to be one of the major industries in the area. Retailing at £4.95, this is definitely a great stocking-filler for the local history buff. I had the pleasure of being invited to do the voice-over on this project, drawing the various threads of the interviews together. The CD is available from the Curiosity Bookshop in High Street Runcorn, or email to Chris Darlington at grimdarl@ntlworld.com to arrange payment & postal delivery.
There were four main tanneries in Runcorn, the Highfield, the Camden, the Puritan and the Astmoor, and the interviewees worked at one or the other of them. All too often history becomes consigned only to the printed page or as stories to be passed down through the family, but in releasing A Little Bit of Leather these memories have been saved for posterity by Chris Darlington.
A Little Bit of Leather . . .
A major part of Runcorn’s industrial history is represented by the Tanning Industry, and A Little Bit of Leather gives you an evocative glimpse into that era as you listen to interviews conducted with folk who played a part in forming the history. A ‘must-have’ for everyone interested in Runcorn’s local history.
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