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Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I am delighted to be supporting Christian Concern's "Not Ashamed" campaign. In the face of aggressive secularism and radical Islam, it is vital that Christians come together and speak up publicly and confidently in Jesus Christ and the values and vision of society that issue from Him. If we fail to do so, we can expect our nation's Christian foundation to be eroded more quickly and the rapid disappearance of the freedom, justice and compassion that so many take for granted. Our country could look very different, very quickly, if we don't stand up for Jesus Christ in public life.

About "Not Ashamed"
Visible and Vocal, for Jesus Christ, in Public Life

The Christian foundation and fabric of UK public life is under growing attack, to the detriment of the whole of society. There is mounting pressure to exclude Jesus Christ from the public domain, consigning Him to the realm of the "private and personal".

In these times of challenge, it is vital that Christians stand together and speak clearly of Jesus Christ as "good news" not only for individuals but for society as a whole, for we know that He is the only hope for our nation. In the face of radical Islam and aggressive secularism the urgency is great.

The "Not Ashamed" campaign has been launched to help Christians to respond, by being visible and vocal about our confidence in Jesus Christ.

Please support and pray for this campaign, more details of which can be found at:

The campaign will be launched formally on Wednesday 1st December, when thousands of Christians across the country will wear the symbol of the cross and a "Declaration of Christian Hope for our Nation" will be delivered to leading figures in public life, including the Prime Minister.

If you are a UK resident, please go to the 'Not Ashamed' website via the link above, and sign the declaration and order the Not Ashamed symbol in good time for 1 December.

Please spread the word - why not forward this email to other Christians?

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