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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A link through the ages ...

I managed to obtain the sheet music for the worship song that I've posted today by putting out an appeal via Facebook, to which several of my FB friends responded. The tune was composed by William Batchelder Bradbury (1816–1868), and the thought occurred to me as I walked the dog yesterday evening, (in the freezing cold, I might add), that although William Bradbury passed from this life just over 140 years ago, nevertheless he lives on through his music composition, and all these years later I am now linked to him through the tune Montclair which I have just used. More than that, everyone who sings my worship song is linked by the action of singing, both to William Bradbury and myself. What a pleasant, yet also sobering, thought that is.

So who was William Bradbury, apart from the man who had the unusual middle name of 'Batchelder'?  Well, according to the website of 'Wholesome Words': "he was an American composer of Gospel songs and hymns. He wrote the music for such familiar hymns as "He Leadeth Me," Holy Bible, Book Divine," "Jesus Loves Me," "Just As I Am," Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us," "Sweet Hour of Prayer," and "The Solid Rock." Buried in Bloomfield Cemetery, Bloomfield, New Jersey, USA."

Many of you will have sung to any one of his 900 or so tunes, I'm sure, especially hymns such as Jesus loves me; Just as I am and My hope is built on nothing less. What a treasury this one man has left behind for subsequent generations to enjoy and appreciate, and, even more importantly, to use in their worship of God. If you want to learn more about this composer then just follow the link above to find the link to a short biography and more information about his work.

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