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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Time for times to change

People often shake their heads these days and wonder where everything went wrong with the state of the nation, remembering past, and very different, times.

  • Times when teachers were not afraid of violent pupils,
  • Times when children respected their elders and people generally respected each other.
  • Times when a nation at war turned to God for help.
  • Times when the church and its leaders offered good advice and guidance. 
  • Times when people feared God.
  • Times when cursing and blaspheming was looked upon with disgust.
So, the question is this:
What changed?
  • When I was a child at school the day started with prayers
  • More people attended church services, and tried to live their lives according to Christian teaching.
Then the issues of so-called 'human rights' started to rear their head, and people started to demand more and more freedom from the accepted and acceptable as being 'their right'. Sadly, they wanted only 'rights' and spurned the responsibilities that went hand in hand with those rights.
  • Foul language became gradually more and more accepted, sponsored largely by programmes on the television. 
  • Groups of people started to protest that homosexuality was something to be proud of, decrying the sanctity of marriage and monogamous relationships at the same time.
  • It gradually became acceptable for children to enter into sexual relationships and become parents themselves, despite being immature in almost every way other than sexually.
  • Mass immigration into the nation brought with it, thanks to membership of the European Union, mass criminality as well.
Could the change have something to do with the fact that over the same period of time God has been marginalised to a great extent? After all, He has been thrown out of our schools, generally speaking. Christians who offer to pray for others during the course of their work often find themselves victims of Political Correctness, and are sacked from their jobs or may even end up in Court. Christians who refuse to change the Scriptural teaching that homosexuality is wrong are discriminated against when it comes to those selected to foster children in need of love and family.

Perhaps worst of all is the sad fact that in many churches, as a result of liberal leaders who deny the fundamentals of the Christian faith, have made God unwelcome as well.

If we want this nation to get back on a progressive and even keel, then the way forward is with God, not without Him.
I wonder when the lesson will be learned?

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