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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ever have one of those days!

Ever have one of those days, when something seems a bit 'off'
      but you just can't put your finger on what it is? 

Or it seems to be one of those days when the folk around you just want to knock their heads together

or else have one of those odd tug-of-wars that they have from time to time
Sometimes all that's needed to get on the right track is to take a fresh look and get a new perspective on the situation
Always try your best to show kindness to others, just 'cos it feels good to do!
Sometimes you need to consider things from their perspective
So, if you sometimes find life getting you down . . .
. . . remember to just keep plodding on and keep your head above water.
Be a true friend to somebody and you'll find that you can always get by with a little help from your friends.

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