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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Hymn for today "He Rules Us All"

He Rules Us All   7775
TUNE: Capetown
He is majesty divine,
He is yours and He is mine,
He’s the One almighty God,
He who rules us all.

He is glory, He is love,
Watching down from up above;
And, according to His grace,
He will rule us all.

He is truth and He is light ,
He creates each day and night;
And within His gracious plan,
He will rule us all.

He is our almighty King,
To His feet your tributes bring;
Throughout time and throughout space
He will rule us all.

He is majesty divine,
He is glory, He is love,
He is truth and He is light,
And He rules us all.
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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