One of the particularly good things about publishing
The Voice Christian News & Viewsmagazine is that it has, over the past few years, introduced me to so many folk around the world, many of whom I have become friends with either by email or telephone, or both. One such person is Natalie Hunsucker who, alongside her husband, has founded the Koinonia Community in North Carolina, and who charts the progress on her occasional Blog.
Natalie is a very busy Christian, home-schooling, young mum, but manages somehow to find the time to produce lots of good things which not only benefit her family but also, I'm sure, are given as gifts to those close to them.

These photos show just a smidgen of the good things that Natalie makes at home. Starting with bread, the staple food of life, moving on to pickled peppers and home-made soap.

Quite apart from the usefulness of her talents, she has the immense satisfaction of being a provider. Why not visit her Blog by clicking on the link under the heading of 'Sites I Like'.
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