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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

All good things must come to an end ...

      Well, having spent the past week in Provo, Utah, today we return home to the UK, flying out from Salt Lake City this afternoon. Whilst it will be good to get back home and all that that implies in terms of seeing the family, the pets and especially our little dog Sam, nevertheless it leaves us with a desire to return to Provo in the not-too-distant future.
      We have been made too feel so welcome by everyone whom we've met here, from our hosts and the students whom I've had the privilege of addressing at BYU to the people serving in the shops where we have indulged in a little retail therapy. We have visited a couple of churches and seen a wonderful exhibition of paintings by Carl Bloch, as well as seeing much of the beauty of the surrounding area, including Sundance, which is the holiday ski resort owned by the actor Robert Redford. Wherever we have been the people have been friendly and welcoming, and the warmth that we have felt from them will remain in our memories for a very long time.
       It's difficult to pinpoint individual moments that have impressed us during our stay, but one thing does stand out, and that is that we have not heard one profanity or blasphemy during the time that we've been here. To the shame of the United Kingdom, swearing, and profane obscenities in particular, seem to be a way of life for so many. You cannot leave the sanctity of your home without hearing it, whether in the streets or the shops, and even within your own home it is regularly in use on the television. If you complain then you are considered a little odd or, at the very least, old-fashioned. What a sad indictment of a nation!
      Over the next few days, once I am over the inevitable jet-lag that the long flight imposes, I'll post some of the photographs that I've taken during the course of our stay.

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