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Friday, March 4, 2011

Message from Utah

       Here I am in Provo, Utah, on the third day of my visit. The weather is sunny, warm and bright, and the Wasatch mountain is majestically watching over the town below. There is still plenty of snow on the mountains, and the sun bounces off it in a million diamonds.
      Yesterday evening we went to Salt Lake City and it was there that I had the great privilege of being a guest of the world-renowned Mormom Tabernacle Choir, including the opportunity to sing with them during their rehearsal for the broadcast on Sunday. We will be going to hear them on Sunday morning before going to the service at the Provo Presbyterian Church for their 11.0'clock service. I was given a gift of CDs by my choir host last night which will allow me to recall the evening in time to come.
      There is a great friendliness to be found amongst the people here, and I have been overcome by the magnitude of the welcome which we have been given. Late afternoon yesterday, I spoke for a short while to the students of the Welsh Beginner's class which my hostess takes. Next Monday evening I shall be delivering a talk on the 1904/1905 Great Welsh Revival to the students of the Welsh language classes, and then on Tuesday evening the little choir will sing those hymns of mine which they have been busy translating over the preceeding weeks.
      We will depart on the Wednesday, flying home via Paris, and no doubt having got over the problems of jet-lag just in time to regain them through the return flight!

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