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Friday, November 5, 2010

New Hymn for today : "The Christ Child"

The Christ Child 88 88 and Refrain (55 55)
TUNE: Corsham Lodge
The precious babe in manger lay,
In swaddling clothes, on bed of hay;
Was ever man such sight possessed,
This holy child from heaven blessed.
Such a heavenly sight, on that holy night,
Man and beast both bow, to the Saviour now.
Such a heavenly sight, on that holy night,
Man and beast both bow, to the Saviour now.

Sheep, ox and ass and cattle bow,
Proclaim Him Lord and Saviour now;
Great tributes from the wisest bring,
To celebrate the glorious king.
Such a heavenly sight, on that holy night ...

The shepherds travelled from afar
Following on the shining star;
The heavenly babe they came to find,
Will cure the sick, the lame, the blind.
Such a heavenly sight, on that holy night ...

For now we praise Him as a babe,
This Saviour who has come to save;
When we in turn our tributes bring,
We’ll praise Him as our glorious King!

Such a heavenly sight, on that holy night ...
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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