Flame of the Spirit 54 54
TUNE: Have Thine Own Way, LordFill me today, Lord,
Till I o’erflow;
Lead me to places
I do not know.
Give me a voice, Lord,
Honest and true;
Bless me with words, Lord,
That speak of You.
Flame of the Spirit
Burning within;
Helping to serve You,
Cleansed of my sin.
Grant me the faith, Lord,
To speak Your name,
To help those who seek
God’s living flame.
Flame of the Spirit
Speaks of God’s love;
To serve forever
In heav'n above.
So, here I am, Lord,
Heeding Your call;
To serve forever,
And give my all.
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2008
I hope that you enjoy singing this hymn of commitment. As usual, if you use it please report its use to CCLI in the usual manner. Have you visited Sheer Joy Music yet to look through the hymns posted there? The website is currently being redesigned, and when complete it will eventually have all of my hymns on it for downloading. A new song book with them in is also in the process of preparation, although this is a long project which will not be completed until some time in 2011 .
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