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Monday, February 7, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . ' God Sent You'

God Sent You     6565 D
TUNE:   To God be the Glory 
God sent You from heaven,
to a crude stable birth,
to befriend the lonely,
below on the earth.
You reached out to touch them,
the blind, sick and lame;
You showed such compassion,
and their lives You claimed.
You fed the five thousand,
turned water to wine;
You forgave us our sins,
across space and time.
You showed us Your mercy,
blessed us by Your grace;
Lord Jesus we long to
look into Your face.
Because of Your mercy,
the blessing of grace,
we find Your great presence
across time and space.
We give our lives to you,
as this song we raise,
to give you the glory,
our worship and praise!
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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