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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Persecution & Martyrdom of Christians by the Taliban

      Throughout the Muslim world there is a constant threat of extreme persecution of Christians to the point of making many hundreds into martyrs for their faith. The desire of all Muslim extremists is to create a wholly Islamic world, and they are prepared to go to any lengths in order to achieve this. Do not be fooled into thinking that this sort of extremism is something which can never happen here in the Western world. The fact is that it can happen anywhere. There are many extremists at large in this country, throughout Europe and also the USA. They are prepared to go to any lengths to achieve their aims and continue their Global Jihad towards this end. They are aided by the apathy of many in the West who claim to be Christians and yet refuse to stand up for their faith, so weak is the faith that they claim to have. 
      So, just how fierce is this persecution? Consider the situation in Afghanistan where the Muslim Taliban have beheaded an Afghan Christian, Abdul Latif, in Herat Province. 
      A video of the murder which was sent to Barnabas Fund shows one of the killers saying:
All praise be to our creator almighty god that he helped and blessed the holy warriors ... so that we can implement the commandment of god on this infidel ... so that he is punished according to his wrong deed, he is punished according to the commandment of god so that it is a warning to other infidels.
      They shout "Allahu Akbar" ("god is great") over and over again during the beheading, and they bring an execution notice to hang on the wall. No doubt they feel that they are appeasing the Moon god whom they worship.
      The life of Christians is cheap in areas of the country controlled by the Taliban. But Christian converts are also in danger from the Afghan government as it tries to prove its commitment to Islam. Last year many were arrested, and some remain in prison facing possible execution for apostasy.
      This is just an example of the situation in Afghanistan, but similar persecution is happening on a daily basis throughout the Islamic world.
      Thankfully we have the assurance that Almighty God is in charge and will punish those responsible ultimately. There will be no escaping from Him, and no hiding from Him. All who persecute, torture, maim or kill His people will face Eternity cast out of His presence.  There will be no exceptions. 

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